NFT Summon

With the synergy of 2 NFTs and $FXB token, you can summon a new NFT Currency

The Summon feature allows you to own a completely new Currency by combining 2 Currencies, a certain amount of $FXB tokens.

Two Currencies participate in a summoning. The newly summoned Currency is called the Collectible. An collectible will need to undergo laundering to be qualified to be recognized as a true Currency.


Master currency selection

To participate in the summoning as Master Currencies, 2 Currencies need to satisfy 2 conditions:


Total $FXB fee/Summon = $FXB fee of Master Currency 1 + $FXB fee of Master Currency 2

$FXB fee of each Master Currency depends on rarity level and the number of times has participated in the summoning. 

Times of Summon Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary
1 160,000 260,000 780,000 3,620,000 18,100,000
2 160,000 260,000 780,000 3,620,000 18,100,000
3 160,000 260,000 780,000 3,620,000 18,100,000
4 240,000 390,000 1,170,000 5,430,000 27,150,000
5 240,000 390,000 1,170,000 5,430,000 27,150,000
6 240,000 390,000 1,170,000 5,430,000 27,150,000
7 240,000 390,000 1,170,000 5,430,000 27,150,000
8 240,000 390,000 1,170,000 5,430,000 27,150,000
9 240,000 390,000 1,170,000 5,430,000 27,150,000
10 240,000 390,000 1,170,000 5,430,000 27,150,000

Once an Collectible is successfully summoned through Summon, all information about this Currency, including rarity, MP etc. are unknown. Collectible currency rarity will be revealed 12 hours after the summon. Collectible currency rarity is randomly selected. The higher the rarity of two Master Currencies, the greater the probability that the Collectible has a high rarity level and vice versa. However, the probability that 2 Master Currency with the same Common rarity can summon an Collectible currency with Legendary rarity is still there, although very rare.

Master 1 Master 2 Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary
Common Common 75.775 18.75 5.343 0.127 0.005
Common Uncommon 44.657 48.23 6.947 0.159 0.007
Common Rare 18.128 39.212 42.458 0.192 0.01
Common Epic 0.954 45.645 19.874 32.518 1.009
Common Legendary 1.248 12.897 7.76 42.114 35.981
Uncommon Uncommon 14.939 76.686 8.167 0.198 0.01
Uncommon Rare 17.028 37.896 44.82 0.243 0.013
Uncommon Epic 0.949 45.425 19.582 32.812 1.232
Uncommon Legendary 0.248 13.903 7.563 42.235 36.051
Rare Rare 4.844 19.21 75.328 0.594 0.024
Rare Epic 0.906 14.843 43.518 39.192 1.541
Rare Legendary 0.248 8.905 10.965 43.364 36.518
Epic Epic 0.384 5.675 16.118 75.355 2.468
Epic Legendary 0.189 2.818 7.776 30.688 58.529
Legendary Legendary 0.001 0.052 0.999 10.462 88.486

The laundering process

After a Collectible currency has rarity, they are ready to undergo laundering to become a true Currency. The higher their rarity level, the longer their laundering time. 

Rarity Laundering time
Common 3 hours
Uncommon 6 hours
Rare 9 hours
Epic 18 hours
Legendary 24 hours

After the Collectible currency has completed the laundering process, all information about this Currency, including rarity, MP, etc will be revealed. This Currency is now ready to join the FxBox ecosystem.